Foam support surfaces are among the most highly used items in a hospital. They are also one of the most overlooked sources of infection risk to patients. But how can you tell?
Regularly inspecting hospital mattresses for fluid ingress and other damage can help to greatly reduce patient risk. Download our free Step-by-Step Guide to Foam Support Surface Audits to help your team inspect, repair or replace support surfaces that could be infection control risks. The guide includes:
- An overview of FDA guidance related to damaged top covers
- Step-by-step instructions on how to perform an audit
- Pictures and signs of what to look for in your surfaces
- Repair/replacement recommendations based on findings
- Downloadable audit reporting form to use while inspecting support surfaces

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- Koshy T, Manista G, Nicholson L, Ikpeze T, Todd J, Black J. The state of support surface integrity in acute healthcare facilities. Poster presented at: NPIAP 2023 Annual Conference. March 17-19, 2023. San Diego, CA.
- Damaged or Worn Covers for Medical Bed Mattresses Pose Risk of Contamination and Patient Infection. (2013, Apr. 19). U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Retrieved from
- Cohen, B., Liu, J., Cohen, A., & Larson, E. (2018). Association Between Healthcare-Associated Infection and Exposure to Hospital Roommates and Previous Bed Occupants with the Same Organism. Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology, 39(5), 541-546. doi:10.1017/ice.2018.22